I've Fallen in Love with Glue!

If you have never tried Elmer's School Glue as a quilting tool, it might be time for you to think about it. Somewhere around eight months ago I ran across a tutorial stating that glue will help to make the perfect binding. Who doesn't want the perfect binding?

I did a little research and found that quilters were using glue for many purposes...binding being the favorite. I learned that it only takes a teeny bit of glue and that you "set" the glue with your iron. Since it's School Glue, it's water soluble and easily washes out of the fabric. I also learned that a "micro-tip" helps immensely in making sure you only get a dot and not a puddle of glue. So here's a photo of my set-up:

I purchased my micro-fine glue tips from quilter Sharon Schamber at this link: http://sharonschamber.com/products/fine-point-glue-tips 
I got two sets of tips for $10.00 plus shipping. I believe Amazon has a variety of tips, too, but since I wasn't exactly sure what I needed...I stuck with the product of a well known quilter.

Here is the Craftsy tutorial for binding with glue. It works for either hand binding or machine binding. The tutorial is shown using bias tape, but also discusses using a 2 1/2" cut strip.  Note: tutorial also does not use the micro-fine glue tips. But I know I would have glue all over everything without the special tip!

Without a doubt I have made my best bindings and corners since using this method. I have also found many other times when a dab of glue is the perfect solution!

Speaking of bindings, I ran across a video tutorial where Jenny Doan from Missouri Star introduces and explains about a real neat binding tool. The tool is simply called "The Binding Tool" and here's a link to the updated tutorial on YouTube.  I've heard that some people are doing this same technique without the tool, but this is how I learned so I'm stickin' with it!
I picked up my Binding Tool on Amazon, but you can get it through other outlets, too. 

I humbly confess that my sewing room is terribly cluttered. I also admit that I can usually put my finger on whatever I'm looking for...usually. Here's a photo of my stash taking over my sofa:
I figure that in the scheme of life, worse things can happen than having a sofa full of fabric and patterns!

Back to work on Book 4.
Thanks for checking in and have a wonderful fabric filled day!


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